11:00 AM11:00

Ladies Luncheon: April Showers Bring May Flowers

Radiant Ministries invites all ladies to a spring luncheon Saturday April 5th at 11am. We will meet at Faith Memorial Fellowship Hall for a time of connection and encouragement for a message of hope renewed after a stormy season- April Showers brings May Flowers.  Special guest speaker Barbara Sally has a powerful testimony of traversing some of life’s hardest storms and how God has carried her through to the other side.

Sign up at the link below, or at the table on Sunday; lunch will be provided.  There are some additional food items we would love to have on hand, if you would like to help with that, please talk with Melissa or Teresa at the sign up table.  

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9:00 AM09:00

Table of 8: Valentine's Edition

Lion Chasers and Radiant ministries will be hosting a couples dinner event for February — Table of 8: Valentine's Edition. We will be hosting dinners at different restaurants around the city. Please check the sign-up table for dinner options and sign up for the restaurant you want to go to. The host for that restaurant will communicate details for the evening meal time.  Child care will not be available for this event; please secure individual child care as needed. Registration will be open through Sunday February 9th.

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9:00 AM09:00

Men's Breakfast

All men are invited to join us for a men’s breakfast on Saturday, January 25th in the LWC East Wing (Children’s sanctuary)! Bring a breakfast food to share and join in this time of food, fellowship, and encouragement.

The side parking lot will be open for parking. Come through the gate to park, and enter though the side door on the east side, located about halfway down the building.

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to Jan 7

First Fruits Prayer & Fasting

You’re invited to join us in a time of prayer and fasting January 5-7 to kick off the new year! We will have our Sunday morning gathering in the West Wing at 10:30AM to begin our time of prayer and fasting together. Although we will be meeting in the West Wing, we will plan to have children’s ministry as usual during our morning service.

We will also have nightly worship and prayer services at 7:00PM in the West Wing on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday evening. Childcare is not provided for the evening services, but you are welcome to bring your children to take part in the services with you.

Come join us as we worship and pray together, and hear timely messages for the new year.

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to Jan 19

January Table of 8 Registration

We are so excited to provide this opportunity for you to get acquainted with others in the church family at LWC. Table of 8 is about connecting with others over a meal and having some fun together!

For the month of January, hosts and participants can choose between three days, January 24th, 25th, or 26th (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday). If you have questions about Table of 8, check out our FAQ button below, or contact Molly Allen. We will be having quarterly Table of 8 events for 2025, in January, April, July, and October.

If you would like to join us as a host or participant, sign up at one of the links below. If you attended a previous event, and do not need to update any information from your form, you can also sign up simply by reaching out to Molly Allen, our Table of 8 coordinator, or by responding to the email she sends out to previous hosts and participants. Registration ends at midnight on Sunday, January 19th, so make sure to sign up before then!

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to Dec 29

Holiday Family Services

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Mark your calendars! On December 22nd and 29th, we will be having family services together in the West Wing for the holidays. The services will be a shorter than our usual schedule, and all children will participate in the main service with their families that day.

Please note: we will still have pre-service coffee connect at 9:30AM, but it will be held in the West Wing prior to the service. Come worship with us!

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10:00 AM10:00

Volunteer Appreciation Day

We are so grateful for our LWC ministry team members! Whether you volunteer with Kids Town, FIT, sound and media, cafe, altar ministry, worship team, security, pastoral care, men’s or women’s ministry, or any other area of ministry, know that we appreciate you! You are such a valued part of the ministry of LWC; thank you for loving, serving, and leading along with us!

On Sunday, December 15th, we will be having Volunteer Appreciation Day during our morning gathering. We hope to see all those who volunteer with our teams at LWC there that day as we take the opportunity to honor and celebrate YOU! We will be doing several giveaways during the Sunday service for our volunteers. Come join us!

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6:00 PM18:00

Church Christmas Party

Mark your calendars! We are having a church family Christmas party on Friday, December 13th at 6pm. The whole church is invited — we will have a potluck style dinner, and it will be a great time just to come together as a church family and celebrate together. We will have a table set up in the foyer area on December 1st and December 8th where you can sign up to bring something to share for the meal!

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10:30 AM10:30

Pastoral Staff Appreciation Day

On Sunday, December 8th, we will be showing our appreciation for our pastoral staff team! There will be an opportunity during the service to give a special love offering to bless our pastoral staff members.  This day is specifically to honor those who have served as paid staff this year. Cards and notes of appreciation are also welcome. 

If you would like to give a love offering, you can give in the physical offering that Sunday morning, or online with RebelGive.

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11:00 AM11:00

Ladies Ornament Exchange

We will meet at the church at 11am to organize and wrap gifts to finish out our Christmas Wishes Project, and after that we will move into a time of fellowship and food, and our ornament exchange! Please bring a finger food to share and a wrapped ornament for the ornament exchange!

Please reach out to Melissa Einarsen or Marsha Speer if you have any questions.

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to Dec 31

End of Year Giving

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The end of the year will be here before we know it, which means tax season is just around the corner. In order for your donations to be included in your 2024 giving statement, here are a few tips to remember with your end of the year giving:

1. All donations being mailed must be postmarked by the Post Office on or before December 31st. If you would like to mail your year-end giving, you may mail your check to 930 25th St., Cleveland, TN 37311.

2. If you give digitally through the website, you may want to allow a few extra days to insure processing of your donation before the 31st.

The 2024 giving statements will be emailed by January 31, 2025. If you have any questions, please call the church office for more information. Thank you for your faithful giving in 2024; we appreciate each of you and your commitment to Living Word.

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to Nov 30

Happy Thanksgiving!

One of the blessings we are celebrating this Thanksgiving is you — our Living Word kingdom family! We are so thankful for all of you and the unique place you each have in our LWC family. May your thanksgiving and this holiday season be filled of special moments with family and friends, and an awareness of the presence and the goodness of God.

We also want to remind you all that the church office will be closed Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 27th and 28th, in order to allow our staff to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with their families.

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10:00 AM10:00

Christmas Decorating Party! (Copy)

Both gals and guys are invited to join us on Saturday, November 16th, from 10am-1pm(ish) for a Christmas Decorating Party! We will be trimming the LWC Christmas tree and decorating the building with holiday cheer. We will have Christmas music and a whole lot of fun. Don't worry if you don't have a knack for decorating – there is a task for people of all levels of decorating skills! Come and enjoy the holiday atmosphere with us; we look forward to seeing you there.

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10:30 AM10:30

Pastor Appreciation Day!

Mark your calendars for Pastor Appreciation Day! Come join us on Sunday, November 3rd as we celebrate and honor our lead pastors, Evan and Adrianne Cockerham. (The date was originally on October 27th, but was pushed back a week due to a scheduling conflict.) Cards or notes of appreciation and encouragement are welcome. There will also be a chance to give in a special love offering.

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to Nov 30

"Christmas Wishes" Radiant Christmas Project

Radiant Women's Ministry is excited to link arms with some churches this season and help some adoptive families in our community with their Christmas wishlists. This year, our family is a single mom with 3 adopted kids. During the month of November, we will be collecting money for a grocery gift card to help this family purchase items for a holiday meal that best fits their dietary needs and we will also have a small amazon wish list of some items for each child in their home. 

You may give through the Living Word Church website for any monetary donations. To give a monetary donation, click the giving link below.

Or you may choose something from the Amazon Wishlist we created for the family. To view the Amazon list, click the link below. All donations/purchases need to be made by November 30th in order to be delivered to the families in December. 

***Any ladies who would like to help organize and wrap the gifts, we plan on meeting Saturday December 7th from 11am-12pm and have lunch afterwards with an ornament exchange. Lunch location tbd.

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to Oct 20

Cleveland Apple Festival

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Apple Festival is coming up October 19-20! You’re invited to join in the fun and help support non-profit organizations that have impact in our community and throughout the world. For more info, visit clevelandapplefestival.org. If you want to volunteer to help out, they are in need of volunteers for gate admissions! Volunteers will receive admission tickets for their family for volunteering in a 2-3 hr time slot. For more info on volunteering, contact Jill Brown or email info@clevelandapplefestival.org.

Ticket costs:

  • One Day Pass – Adults: $8

  • One Day Pass – Seniors: $5

  • One Day Pass – Children Age 3-12: $5

  • One Day Family Pass – 2 adults and up to 4 children: $25

  • Children Under 3: Free

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5:00 PM17:00

Foster, Adoptive, & Kinship Parents Night Out

On Saturday, September 28th from 5-8pm, Living Word Church will be hosting a Parents Night Out for foster, kinship, & adoptive families ! This event is for kids birth - 12 years old. (And it is for all of the kiddos in the family- bio, adoptive, & foster!) There will be dinner, games, and more provided and the entire event is FREE.

We are so excited to get to support the foster and adoptive community in this way and provide a safe and loving environment for the kiddos so the parents can relax! All the childcare workers for this event will be background checked, and we will also have some foster and adoptive parents serving in this event who are trauma informed, and able to step in to help any struggling kiddos, should the need arise.

If you’re interesting in helping with the event, you can donate snacks, drinks, or desserts, or volunteer to help with the event! We need volunteers to help with food, admin, childcare, and setup/cleanup! If you’re interested in volunteering or donating to the event, see Pastor Jess Howell or Pastor Jenn Bevan or Kayla Gray.

Foster, Kinship, and Adoptive Families: click the link below to register your family! They have set a cap of 50 kiddos, so go ahead and register now to make sure you get a spot!

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12:30 PM12:30

Women's Lunch & Bowling Event

Lunch right after church and meet for Bowling at Leisure Lane Bowling in Cleveland by 1:30. Sunday is BOGO games, so it's only $5 for 2 games plus shoe rental. The event host is Melissa Einarsen. We will need a RSVP headcount by the 14th so we can make sure to have enough lanes reserved, we can have up to 6 per lane.

Please comment on the Radiant FB group post your RSVP or contact Melissa directly.

****You do not have to go to lunch if you just want to meet at 1:30 at the lanes! Or vice versa if you want to join some for lunch but not bowl. We just want everyone to feel invited and a part of each event!!

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to Sep 14

IMN Empowered 2024

September 13-14 is the IMN Empowered Ministry Forum. This year it will be held at Mt. Zion Prayer Center, just down the road from us. Everyone is welcome — the event is free. The theme for this year is “Waking the Dead”. See the flyer above for more info!

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7:00 PM19:00

Healing Summit Live Stream

On August 9th, Dutch Sheets (on his Give Him 15 broadcast) introduced a Healing Summit to be livestreamed Friday, August 30th at 7pm. We will be streaming it in the west wing of LWC.

'This gathering is not only to ask for miracles of healing, but to ask for the inauguration of this new wave of signs and wonders in our generation.  In no way is it to promote our ministries; we are asking for this outpouring to begin around the world.

After we prophetically share what we feel  God is saying,  and then begin praying for people,  we're encouraging leaders and elders in the churches to do the same: pray for those present to receive healing.  We believe miracles will occur throughout the earth! And gifts of the Spirit will be released.'

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to Aug 25

Voter Registration Available

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Voter Registration is open for the presidential election through October 6th! We currently have a table set up in the sanctuary near the main entrance for those who have not yet registered to be able to do so. Stop by the table before or after the service this Sunday!

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9:00 AM09:00

Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Families Back to School Bash

Living Word is partnerting with the Resource Collective & Hope 4 One to throw a “Back to School Bash” for all foster, adoptive, and kinship families in Cleveland, TN/Bradley County & the surrounding area! This event was organized to help support these families as a whole in efforts to alleviate some of the stressors families experience around back to school time.

This event will be for school-aged children (grades K-12th) and is entirely 𝗙𝗥𝗘𝗘 for foster, adoptive, and kinship families! The kiddos will be able to come pick out a new back pack, school supplies, and one back to school outfit from the Hope 4 One closet. We will also have hairdressers and barbers at the event who have graciously donated their services to provide free cuts and trims for the kiddos.

Please note that registration is required to come to the event. This is how we will know how many and what school supplies to have available!


  • Volunteer to help with setup and supply organizing, assist during the event, or help with cleanup.

  • Donate funds to help purchase supplies for the event.

  • Help Spread the Word on social media, or by sharing directly with foster, adoptive and kinship families that you know!

Reach out to Kayla Gray or Jessica Howell with any questions.

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6:30 PM18:30

Sound of Hope - Free Community Movie Night!

The Chapel Cleveland has rented out the AMC theater at the Bradley Square Mall for a showing of the new movie, Sound of Hope, on Friday, July 19th. Sound of Hope is based on a true story, the story of Possum Trot, Texas and the church community that came together to make a difference in the lives of foster children in their community. This movie is a powerful example of what can happen when the people of God are moved by the heart of God to love the “least of these”.

The doors open at 6:30pm, and the movie will begin promptly at 7:00pm, with no previews. We recommend arriving early to get your seats! It’s FREE for anyone in the community to attend this showing, while seats are available, but you MUST register in advance to attend!

Watch the video below for the official movie trailer! Be aware that this movie depicts the realities of childhood trauma, and may be difficult for those who have experienced similar traumas. This movie is rated PG-13.

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1:00 PM13:00

Church Family Picnic at the Park

Everyone is invited to join us for a church-wide picnic in the park on Sunday, July 97th from 1-4pm at the Greenway Park. Each family will bring their own picnic style meal, and any outdoor game or activity they would like to bring. Come and enjoy an afternoon of community and celebration as we celebrate the anniversary of our church!

We have rented the park pavilion for the event, which will also provide some picnic tables for eating, but you may want to bring extra seating, especially if you would like a more comfortable seat. Watermelon will be provided for everyone.

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10:30 AM10:30

Women's Kayak Event

Radiant Ministry invites all ladies for a lunch ‘n paddle kayak event on Saturday May 11th at 10:30am.  Meet up at Harrison Bay's Wolftever Boat Ramp and enjoy some smooth water kayaking, and then lunch following at Amigos Mexican Restaurant. Bring your own kayak, life jacket, and paddle. If you are interested and need equipment, please RSVP with Melissa Einarsen or Molly Allen; we can check around for additional equipment. Information will also be posted on our Radiant facebook page.  Lunch will be approximately at noon at Amigos, and is open to any ladies that want to join in for some food, fun and fellowship!!

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to Apr 6

Cleveland Prayer Tent

This weekend, April 5-6, Cleveland Net is hosting a prayer tent in the Living Word Church parking lot.

The event will be a time of continuous worship, prayer, and reading God's word aloud for 30 hours, crying out to our Father in obedience to 2 Chronicles 7:14 for his mercy to transform our families, cities, and nation with an awakening!

The prayer tent will be open from 9am Friday until 3pm Saturday and anyone who wants to join in the time of worship and prayer is invited to come to pray, worship, or receive ministry!

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to Mar 24

"Up, Up and Away" Radiant Women's Retreat

The Radiant Women’s Retreat, Up, Up and Away!, will give ladies ages 16 and older an opportunity to come up and away from distractions, trouble, and noise, and experience God’s heavenly realm of possibilities. Ladies will be encouraged through worship, life-giving testimonies, opportunities to build community with other women and…having fun!

The cost is $150 per person which includes two night’s lodging, five catered meals, snacks, retreat sessions, and a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Mark your calendars!

Registration is now closed. If you have not yet paid your balance, please note that the full $150 must be paid no later than March 10th.

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to Mar 24

Kairos 25 Prayer Sign Up

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There’s an outreach opportunity through Kairos 25 ministry to reach out to residents in the Bledsoe County prison through prayer. You can go to https://signup.com/go/jXCtnZ to sign up for a 30 minute time slot for prayer if you’re interested in being a part. Their goal is to have people praying 24/7 during this 4 day window to show the love of Christ to these residents. If you want more information, you can reach out to Tim Purifory.

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